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  3. AIUインターン日記~Daily of internship students from Akita International University~「赤羽柚美はワーケーションの先駆者です! I am on the cutting edge!」

AIUインターン日記~Daily of internship students from Akita International University~「赤羽柚美はワーケーションの先駆者です! I am on the cutting edge!」




When we started the internship, we were told you have to organize Inaka school by yourselves. Although I know nothing about planning, I did my best. For example, I made programs, asked people for the teacher of the programs, asked for sponsorship money, asked for volunteers, and so on. It was so tiring and many people helped me a lot. I realized I am not good at planning something. However, I enjoyed it a lot!

わらび座は、働く人々が観光地で休暇をしながら大事な会議には遠隔で参加するという新しい働き方、ワーケーションの推進を行っています。仙北市の乳頭温泉、田沢湖、小正月行事などなど豊かな自然とわらび座のアートに触れながら仕事をする。それは私が実際にいまここでやっていることです。仙北市を満喫しながら、オンラインで授業をうけつつ、わらび座で働くという生活。すなわち私の生活はとても先進的ですね笑 実際この生活はとても充実しています。だからこの暮らしを広めたいというのが1番の思いでした。それが秋田や秋田以外に住む「誰か」の、生き方や幸せに対する哲学を揺さぶるものになると思うのです。

These days, Warabiza tries to increase the number of people who enjoy “workation.” Workation is a word stand for “work” and “vacation.” Because Semboku city has many attractive places such as Nyuto Onsen, Lake Tazawa, and traditional festivals.
Actually, I am now experiencing “workation.” I am taking online classes at AIU and working for Warabiza, besides, I am enjoying Onsen and great nature. Because my life here is so fascinating and I want more people to do this.


When I was a high school student, I commuted on a crowded train. I agree with the idea that Tokyo is a very good place to work, but, on the other hand, I would like to ask one question to people who work in Tokyo; are you happy? That is because I saw many people who seemed so tired on the train. In Akita, I saw many people who are proud of their jobs and enjoy their lives. What if people in Tokyo know about life in Akita? I believe that some people enjoy their lives better in Akita than Tokyo. Moreover, if more and more people come to Tokyo, they can cheer for Akita as well. Before I learned about workation, I couldn’t find a good idea to realize my plan. However, I found workation can connect people in cities and Akita.


For workation, there is a problem. When people work at the workation, who will look after their children? Akita Inaka school is the solution to this problem. Warabiza adds new value for workation by making an education program for the children.
Akita Inaka school intended to tell children the attractive things in Akita and experience global perspectives. We went to a farm near Warabiza, knew traditional festivals in Akita, made traditional sweets in Akita and did theatre in education program with actors of Warabiza. Maybe the contents were a little bit difficult for elementary school students but they listened to me very well. I hope they discover something new through the program.


After the program, they said they enjoyed it a lot! It was a school for elementary school students but I am the one who learned a lot of things in this program. I would like to thank the sponsorship organization and volunteers from AIU. I was so tired but it was very interesting! I hope this program attracts people and the number of people who do workation in Akita will increase.

From September to December, Warabiza accepts two internship students from Akita International University. From April 2020, Akita International University closed the campus, and they provide all online courses in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thus, we think we can help the students by offering accommodations and providing new connections for students and the local community in Akita. Although the period is limited, we will tell you the feelings and the perspectives of the two students for Warabiza and Akita.