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  3. AIUインターン日記~Daily of internship students from Akita International University~「赤羽、役者になる!? Akabane became an actor!?」

AIUインターン日記~Daily of internship students from Akita International University~「赤羽、役者になる!? Akabane became an actor!?」



Hello, I’m Yumi Akabane. Do you know theatre in education at Warabiza? Last Sunday, I joined the class and learned about communication and humanity. In this blog, I will tell you about the program.



Theatre in education is the method of learning the basics of communication and building good relations with others. Warabiza offers this program for small children to old people, especially, many  companies use it for orientation for new employees. Our instructor was Tomiko Kato, the ex actress of Warabiza and the producer of creating musicals and we took a three hours class.







FIrst, we warmed up. I enjoyed the Dompabushi exercise, which used traditional Akita’s folk music. Then we introduced each other. However, the way of it was a bit different from usual ways. We made pairs and one person interviewed the other person for 1.5 min. Then, the interviewee told others about what they heard. From this program, I learned we can know about other people a lot in a short time if we have the motivation to know them. When I tried to know interesting stories from them, I got a lot of information. These days, I cannot meet many people and face to face communication is limited. So, when I am with other people, I want to enjoy the time more. I won’t see my smartphone anymore. Knowing what other people feel enables us to expand my world. I want to be a person who has wide perspectives.




From now, I will explain the last program, After the Tale. We created the continuing story of Momotaro, which is an old Japanese tale. (Momotaro means peace boy and he was born from a peach.) We made groups of four people and guessed what Momotaro’s dream was. In Momotaro’s tale, he battled with ghosts which killed people of Momotaro’s island and got money and golds from them. So, we decided his dream was peace. (It was because his name, peach Boy, is similar to peace.) and our story began the time the ghost came to his island to apologize to him. Because they don’t have money, I thought they suffered from poverty. My role was a monkey, who helped Momotaro when he went to the ghost’s place. If I were the monkey, what would I do for the situation? Maybe, I would not allow the ghost even when they apologize because the ghost killed people on our island and robbed a lot of things. Plus, I will be afraid of them. So, I thought about how to tell my feelings for the audience. However, it was very difficult because we had limited time and we could not prepare much. At the performance, it was adlib and I listened to what other people said carefully. These skills are important even if we are not actors. I felt the power of performing arts. It can contribute to our communication skills and mutual understanding. 


In this way, the class was over. I thought about how to express our feelings, and how to sympathise with other people.They are the things which are necessary for our life as humans. I will use what I learned from now. I want to share my feeling more with other people! I will do my best.Now, I am planning to invite no more than 15 elementary school students from Akita and offer theatre education. This project is called Inaka Gakko, rural school, and it is a kind of community contribution. For three days, Warabiza plans many activities such as farming, cooking traditional Akita food with people from JA, enjoying winter festivals, and so on. One of the biggest programs is theatre in education. For this activity, we have two actors from Warabiza and five or six AIU students as the instructors. The aims are to let students enjoy communicating with others and find themselves. In this program, AIU I have to offer some programs which can provide global perspectives! It’s so hard but it may be interesting!




From September to December, Warabiza accepts two internship students from Akita International University. From April 2020, Akita International University closed the campus, and they provide all online courses in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thus, we think we can help the students by offering accommodations and providing new connections for students and the local community in Akita. Although the period is limited, we will tell you the feelings and the perspectives of the two students for Warabiza and Akita.